Now that we are entering into our second month of working together, the women are developing their sewing machine skills to complement their hand sewing projects. Each group is making hand stitched pillows (backings stitched on by machine,) with hand embroidered words in English and their native languages. The words they choose reference something(or someone) they miss from home. A selection of these beautiful pillows will be on display at the Hudson Area Library. Or see more images on our instagram: @stitchnexchange.
I had the opportunity to attend a conference titled Integrating Immigrants, offered by the Center for Women in Government and Civil Society, at the University of Albany. Rifat Filkins, the executive director of RISSE was one of the panelists. One of the take aways for me was to consider what is culture, who makes it and its importance. Immigrants add so much to the "fabric" of what makes this society great. If we seek out opportunities to get to know and participate with people who may appear different, soon these differences disappear! Looking for this sort of opportunity? Please come to the Hudson Area Library on April 27, 1-3 pm for Mending Day, a public engagement event I have created to honor the participants from Stitching Exchange, Hudson Family Literacy. You are invited to bring an article of clothing that needs a bit of repair. We will be there - ready to stitch it up, add some color, and practice speaking English!